Those who have experienced losing a phone and not retrieving it back know this is definitely a disappointing event, especially if one’s cel...
5 Ways to Make Yourself Better At Your Job
Being a successful employee is similar to running a sole proprietorship with low risk and limited customers. You listen around for what yo...
How To add a Watermark to Word 2007 Documents
Sometimes you might want to add a watermark or “background” image to your Word documents to add a company logo or identify the document sta...
How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog
Are you looking to increase traffic to your website? There are many ways to increase traffic to your website. Majority of people believe t...
What are DVR shares?
What are DVR shares? 29 May 2012 at 11:00 am DVR or differential voting rights shares are like ordinary equity shares but with differentia...
What are CRR and SLR with respect to banks?
CRR or cash reserve ratio is the minimum proportion / percentage of a bank's deposits to be held in the form of cash. Banks actually d...
What is repo rate and reverse repo rate?
Repo or repurchase option is a means of short-term borrowing, wherein banks sell approved government securities to RBI and get funds in ex...