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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

SAP BO Interview Question and Answers

Wednesday, June 19, 2013
SAP Business object Interview Question and Answers

1. What is business objects?

BUSINESSOBJECTS is an integrated query, reporting and analysis solution for business professionals that allow them to access the data in their corporate databases directly from their desktop and present and analyze this information in a BUSINESSOBJECTS document.It is an OLAP tool that high-level management can use as a part of a Decision Support Systems (DSS).

2. What are the advantages of Business Objects over other DSS?
  • User Friendly
  • Familiar Business Terms
  • Graphical Interface
  • Enterprise wide Deployment of documents using WebI
  • Drag and Drop
  • Powerful reports in less time
3. What are the various Business Objects products?
  • User Module
  • Designer
  • Supervisor
  • Auditor
  • Set Analyzer
  • Info View (Web Intelligence)
  • Business Objects Software Development Kit (SDK)
  • Broadcast Agent
4. What is Designer?

Designer is a BusinessObjects IS module used by universe designers to create and maintain universes. Universes are the semantic layer that isolates end users from the technical issues of the database structure. Universe designers can distribute universes to end users by moving them as files through the file system, or by exporting them to the repository.

5. How many modes are there in Business objects and Designer?
  • There are 2 types
  • Enterprise Mode
  • Workgroup Mode
6. What are the different Multidimensional analysis methods available in Business Objects?

There are 2 Multidimensional analysis methods available in BO, they are
Slice and Dice
Drill Down

7. What are the types of users in Business Objects?
  • General Supervisor
  • Supervisor
  • Graphical Interface
  • Designer
  • Supervisor-Designer
  • End User
  • Versatile User
8. What data sources are available?

BUSINESSOBJECTS let you access data from a wide range of sources. You can access data from Relational databases (RDBMS), such as ORACLE, Microsoft SQL Server, Informix and IBM DB2.

Multidimensional (OLAP) databases, such as Microsoft OLAP Services, Hyperion Essbase, and ORACLE Express.

Virtually any data source using Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) procedures.

9. Which are the different types of data providers?
  • Queries on Universes
  • Stored Procedures
  • Free-hand SQL
  • Personal Data files
  • VBA Procedures
  • SAP
  • OLAP Servers
10. What is drill mode?

Drill mode is a Business objects analysis mode that allows you to break down data and view it from different angles and on different levels of detail to discover what is the driving factor behind a good or bad result.

11. What are new in BO 5.1?
  1. Save business objects documents in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
  2. Add hyperlinks to reports such as mail addresses and web site addresses.
  3. These hyperlinks are maintained when you save the report in HTML or PDF
  4. Zero Administration - Only the business objects client software installed on the windows pc; all middleware is stored and administered on the web intelligence web server and the server side processing is handled by the web intelligence system
12. What is Scope of Analysis?

Scope of analysis means a subset of data, returned by a query that you will use for analysis in your report. The data for your scope of analysis does not appear in the report until you decide that you want to use it in analysis.

13. What are the types of connections we use when connecting to the database?

There are three types of connections namely Secured, Shared and Personal.
secured connection is used to centralize and control access to sensitive or critical data. It is the safest type of connection for protecting access to data.
A shared connection is used to access common resources such as universes or documents. Several users can  thus use it.
A personal connection is specific to one user and can be used only from the computer on which it was created.

14. What are strategies?

A strategy is a script that automatically extracts structural information from a database or flat file.

15. What is a Business Objects Repository?

The Business Objects repository is a centralized set of relational data structures stored on a database. This relational device enables BUSINESSOBJECTS and WEBINTELLIGENCE users to share resources in a controlled and secured environment. The repository is made up of three domains: the security domain, the universe domain, and the document domain.

16. What are the different @ Functions?


17. What is Universe?

A universe is a set of classes and objects intended for a specific application or group of users.

18. What is a Chasm trap?

Many to one joins from two fact tables converge on a single lookup table. This type of join convergence is called a Chasm trap.

19. What are the standard mode and extended mode and secured mode?

Standard mode - able to access users only within that group
Extended mode - to allow the group supervisors access to users outside their own group(s) so that they can add or remove users to their own groups, then you can do so by setting Scope Management toExtended Mode.
Secured mode - restrict the access of specific users to specific commands. the general supervisor by default uses the Secured mode of operation.

20. What is Supervisor?

Supervisor is the product is used to set up and maintain a secure environment for Business Objects products.

21. What are the different schemas supported by BO Designer?
Star Schema
Snowflake Schema
Multistar Schema
Normalized production Schema
Data warehouse with aggregates

22. What is a Fan trap?

A one to many join links a table which is in turn linked by a one to many join. This type of fanning out of one
to many joins is called a Fan trap.

23. What is automated document scheduling and distribution?

It schedules or batch process the Bo or WEBI documents. No understanding of the server configuration is needed.
BCA not only automates the actions such as refreshing or printing but also control processing with conditions and trigger distributions when events occur (increased revenue occur)
BCA also automate the“push” technology on the web using channels to publish the documents on the repository on a web server or the server file system.

24. What is a repository? What does it contain?

It is a relational data account created on a database like Oracle, MS-Access, Informix, DB2 etc when the BO is installed. It will have all the BO system tables, metadata about designer,

Information about universes, the actual universes, user documents and most importantly security information.

25. A Measure Object can be defined from which of the Aggregate function?

Measure object can de derived from any of the following Aggregate functions : Count, Sum, Minimum, or Maximum, or a numeric data.

26. What is a Data Provider?

The data source (Query) is called as the data provider.

27. What is Channel?

It is a Website that uses ’push’ technology, also known as web casting, to keep subscribers abreast of up-to-date information.
Each BO channel is associated with a BROADCAST AGENT, itself associated with a user group in the BO repository.
One BROADCAST AGENT can have several channels.

28. What is data mining?

Data Mining is the analysis of data and use of software techniques for extracting hidden, comprehensible, and useful information from databases.

29. What is Drill up/down/by/through?

Drill mode allows you to analyze data from different angles and on different levels of detail.
Drill down displays next level of detail in hierarchy.
Drill up goes back up through the hierarchy to display data on less detailed levels.
By using Drill by option you can move to another hierarchy to analyze other data that belongs to a different hierarchy.
Drill Through - If the lowest level of detail you need is not currently available in the report, you can drill through to the database directly from drill mode and get the data you need. You do not have to edit the query in the Query Panel.

30. How do you publish BO report?

There are two ways of publishing BO reports on website
User who has publishing rights for a document can publish that document for other users.
Documents can be published via a scheduler for Business Object known as BCA or Broadcast Agent.

31. What are the different methods by which we can link the universes?

There are three approaches available for linking universes are
The kernel approach
The master approach
The component approach

32. What is User Objects? What are the restrictions?
User objects are end-user personal objects that are not shared with other end-users. This is because the user objects are stored locally in a specific user object definition file. If an

end-user tries to refresh or edit query that contains another user’s user object, the user object is automatically removed from the query and report. A user object is stored inside the Universe folder.

33. What is WebI or Web Intelligence?

WebIntelligence is a decision support solution designed to meet critical query, reporting and analysis needs over the World Wide Web and has features very similar to Business Objects.

Like Business Objects, with WebIntelligence, you can access the data in your corporate databases or data warehouses from within your office, home, or around the world, using your corporate intranet, extranet, or the World Wide Web.

34. How is Chasm trap is solved ?

Its detected by visual analysis of the schema. A chasm trap is solved in the following way:
Creating a Context
Using Multiple SQL statements for each Measure
Creating Multiple Universes(WEBI)

35. Does Cardinality have any effect on the generation of the query ?

Cardinality has no effect in the generation of SQL. Its sole purpose is to provide enough information to DESIGNER so that it can detect and resolve loops.

36. What are the different tools in Business Objects 5.1?

Although not a major release over BUSINESSOBJECTS 5.0, BUSINESSOBJECTS 5.1 has some important new features.
Save as PDF
Add hyperlinks to reports
Zero Administration BusinessObjects
BUSINESSOBJECTS 5.1 can be installed in two ways
from INFOVIEW via an Internet browser
from the product CD

37. Can all BusinessObjects users build data providers?

You can build data providers only if you have purchased the REPORTER module of BUSINESSOBJECTS.

38. What are online/offline modes in Designer?

These are the options that are available when we are working in Enterprise products, which means the environment with repository or not.
In Online mode we can be able to access the networked environment in which we can access the repository, which was created by general supervisor. We can import/export the universes and document

when we are in online mode and this is the default mode. i.e. working with repository
In Offline mode we cannot be able to access the repository. Working in offline mode means essentially that you work with universes that are stored locally on your computer. To use this mode, you must have been connected at least once in online mode.

39. What are the tasks of the universe designer?

The responsibilities that universe designer has
Designing, Creating and maintaining the Universe
Distributing the Created Universes

40. What is a class?

A class is a collection of objects with in a universe. A class can further divided into subclasses. Using this classes and subclasses we can define the hierarchy.

41. What are the main components of the Designer Interface?

The main components that interact in the designing of universe are
The Table browser is used to choose the tables and columns.
The Structure pane refers the database structure of the universe.
The Universe pane refers the components in which it is going to use in Business objects or WEBI documents.

42. Which data providers can you combine in one report?
You can combine data from any BUSINESS OBJECTS-supported data provider with data from any other BUSINESS OBJECTS-supported data provider in a single report. For example, in a report that
displays data from a query on a universe, you can build a new query on a different universe. You can also use a different type of data provider: a stored procedure, a free-hand SQL script, a personal data file, or an OLAP server.

43. What are user objects?

A universe consists primarily of classes and objects, created by the universe designer. If the objects in a universe do not meet your needs, you can customize the universe by creating your own objects, which are called user objects.

44. When do u use a Context ?

When you have dimension objects in one or both fact tables, you should always use a context.

45. What is a LOV ?

A list of values is a file that contains the data values associated with an object. Lists of values can reveal information about the contents of a database.

46. What is a report bursting?

Report bursting allows you to maintain the version documents based on the user profiles.

47. What are master/detail reports?

Master/detail reports enable you to split large blocks of data into sections. This type of presentation allows you to avoid repeating values and also to display subtotals.

48. What are calculation contexts?

By default, BUSINESSOBJECTS determines the result of a measure based on the dimension or dimensions
in the part of the report in which the measure is inserted. These sets of dimensions are called calculation contexts. Calculation contexts are dynamic in BUSINESSOBJECTS.

49. What is Slice and Dice feature in Business Objects?
  • Slice
  • Work with master/detail reports
  • Rename, reset and delete blocks
  • Dice
  • Display and remove data
  • Turn tables and crosstabs into charts, and vice versa
50. What different domain are there in BO?
  • There are three domains in Bo are
  • Security
  • Universe
  • Document
51. What are the ways by which u can distribute the Universe?

There are two ways to distribute a universe: through the repository or through the file system.

52. Can we have a report with multiple data providers?

Yes. We can add a new data provider to an existing report, where it asks for the source either it may be a universe or other(Freehand SQL, Personal Data files, VBA , Stored Procedures).

53. What are two modes for importing users & groups from supervisor?

Batch Mode - The purpose of batch mode is to automate user and group import operations with no intervention from the interface.

Interactive Mode - Dialog boxes will appear as the file is imported to allow you to confirm the information. This is the default mode.

54. What is BCA?

BCA is a software product for the users of WEBI and BO to process and distribute documents automatically at the scheduled dates and time.

55. What are the features in BCA?

The Features of BCA are
Automated document scheduling and publishing
On the server side, CORBA-enabled features such as load balancing and server optimization using caches
Tracing BROADCAST AGENT activity
Access and security.

56. Is Universe MOLAP or OLAP?

MOLAP - Multidimensional Online Analytical Processing.

57. What are Enterprise and Workgroup modes?

Designer lets you save universes in either enterprise or workgroup mode. Enterprise mode means that you are working in an environment with a repository. Workgroup mode means that you are working without a repository. The mode in which you save your universe determines whether other designers are able to access them. By default, a universe is saved in the mode in which you are already working. For example, if you launched a session in enterprise mode, any universe you save is automatically in that mode.

58. How do you save a Business Objects document which can be accessed by all users in workgroup mode?

If we want to make a universe accessible to another designer working without a repository, then click the Save as Workgroup check box in the Save as universe dialog box.

59. What are Contexts?

A context is a rule that determines which of two paths can be chosen when more than one path is possible in the database from one table to another. It helps in resolving the loops created by various joins in the universe tables.

60. How many types of join are available?

Designer supports the following types of joins :
  • equi-joins
  • outer joins
  • theta joins
  • shortcut joins
  • inner joins.
61. What is the technique used in the BCA?

BROADCAST AGENT is a collection of server components that can be deployed over a distributed
CORBA network. The distributed architecture enables scalability, load balancing and failover.

62. What is the syntax of a Aggregate Aware function?

The syntax of the @Aggregate_Aware function is as follows : @Aggregate_Aware(sum(agg_table_1), ... sum(agg_table_n)) where agg_table_1 is the table with the highest level of aggregation,  and agg_table_n the table with the lowest level.

63. What is the use of @Prompt functions?

The @Prompt function lets you create an interactive object. In the Query Panel,this type of object causes a message to appear. This message prompts the end user to enter a specific value.

64. What is the use of @Script functions?

This function recovers the results of Visual Basic for Applications macro (VBA macro).

65. What is the use of @Select functions?

This function enables you to re-use the Select statement of an existing object.

66. What are linked universes?

Linked universes are universes that share common components such as parameters, classes, objects, or joins. Among linked universes, one universe is said to be the kernel or master universe while the others are the derived universes.

67. What are repository domains?

A Business Objects repository is a set of data structures stored on a database. A repository makes it possible to share the resources necessary for client/server architecture. To ensure security and manage user resources, a repository comprises three types of domains :
A security domain, which contain the definition of the other domains as well as the definition of users
Universe domains, which are meta-models of related databases, containing a description of the data to be accessed
Document domains, which contain the structures for storing shared documents and for executing tasks according to a time stamped definition.

68. Can I drill through from one report to another?

Yes. Using some html coding in the parameters to be passed while drill through one can drill thru from one BO report to another in the same BO document.

69. Did you do metadata reporting in BO?

Metadata reporting of BO is possible. BO provides a separate universe which actually contains repository tables, objects etc. Using this Universe one can do metadata reporting in BO.

70. What is Symbolic Objects?

Objects whose values are text are referred to as Symbolic objects.

71. How can an end-user share user objects with other users?

If an end-user wants to share user objects with other users, they should ask the universe designer to include these user objects in the related universe in order to make them available to all BUSINESSOBJECTS end-users. The universe designer includes the file UNIVERSE_NAME.UDO in the universes where the user objects are to be used.

72. Can all BusinessObjects users build data providers?

You can build data providers only if you have purchased the REPORTER module of BUSINESSOBJECTS.

73. Why create a user object?

Based on one or more existing objects, user objects enable you to
Make calculations at the database level
Apply functions to text, for example to capitalize data
Group data

74. What is intelligent binning?

A powerful BUSINESSMINER feature which automatically and intelligently divides numeric values into “bins” based on the range, values and distribution of the data.

75. What are the user profiles in Supervisor?

SUPERVISOR offers several standard profiles for the various types of users of Business Objects products.
  • General Supervisor
  • Supervisor
  • Designer
  • Supervisor-Designer
  • User
  • Versatile
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