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Monday, October 7, 2013

How to get ride of high blood pressure quickly

Monday, October 07, 2013
For those of you who have high blood pressure is highly recommended to maintain the level of blood pressure under normal conditions. Why? when you cannot keep the blood pressure still normal, your arteries can become damaged, and your risk for a heart attack or stroke. An ideal blood pressure would be 120/80, and any reading over 140/90 is considered high.

Lifestyle changes will be needed to maintain healthy blood pressure levels. One of the ways is by controlling dietary sodium / sodium. This diet can be done by choosing foods that have a low sodium content, Reduce the use of sauces and Limit consumption of meats and cheeses.

According to the American Heart Association, 28% of Americans have high blood pressure, but they do not realize it. While other research conducted at Harvard, hypertension has led to more than 15% of deaths in the United States. In this article I will give you tips to lower blood pressure quickly and also you can use it to keep your blood pressure under normal conditions.

Simple Tips on how to quickly reduce high blood

1. Walking

Patients with hypertension, who often walking can lower blood pressure of 8 mm Hg to more than 6 mmHg. This type of activity will help the heart to use oxygen more efficiently, so that the heart is not working hard to pump blood. To obtain maximum results, take the time at least 30 minutes every day.

2. Yoga

Slow breathing and meditation practices like a yoga and tai chi can reduce stress hormones. This method has raised kidney enzyme that increases blood pressure. Try to do 5 minutes in the morning and evening. Take a deep breath in and hold it on your stomach.

3. Relax with music.

According to researchers at the University of Florence, Italy. “Listen to your favorite songs can help lower hypertension,” They asked 28 of adults with hypertension for listening to classical music over 30 minutes a day while breathing slowly. After a week, the audience has dropped hypertension is an average of 3.2 points.

4. Drinking tea.

Researchers from Tufts University, USA “The research participants asked to sipping three cups of hibiscus tea each day to lower blood pressure by 7 points in 6 weeks. Substances existing phytochemicals may play a large hibiscus reduce high blood pressure.

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