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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Natural Weight Loss Remedies For Women

Sunday, October 27, 2013
The best way to achieve a flat stomach is through a healthy, low-calorie diet and plenty of exercise. But if you want to speed the process along, try incorporating some of these foods into your meals. Not only do they relieve water retention, but they also help to stave off cravings, boost your metabolism and keep you feeling fuller for longer.

1. Grapefruit:
No need to go on some whacky grapefruit diet to get the benefits of it, but for most people this is going to require a new purchase at the store. Grapefruit doesn't tend to make it onto most people’s shopping lists, but it should. In regards to weight loss the long standing myth that they help you lose weight is being proven left and right by clinical studies. And you don’t have to buy the fruit, you can also simply buy grapefruit juice and start drinking that instead. Tim Ferris of The Four Hour Body says he uses grapefruit juice on his “free days” in an effort to avoid the food he’s eating from causing weight gain.

2. Chicken Breast:
While not an option if you’re going vegetarian or vegan, this is often used by dieters and bodybuilders alike because of its high protein value and low amount of fat. Dark pieces of chicken just don’t measure up when it comes to quality protein. Most Americans have no trouble adding chicken to the diet, since it’s one of the most popular meats in the country. Just remember that it should be skinless. Try using different spices like the ones mentioned above to make it more interesting. Combined with strength training this can help tone your muscles leading to a higher metabolism.

3. Bananas:
Perhaps it’s because it takes us back to our simian ancestry that makes eating a banana seem natural. The more studies they do on the effects of bananas in humans, the more attention they get as a definite way to help keep us at our ideal weights. They’re super easy to incorporate into the day, since they’re so versatile. Cut some up and add it to oatmeal, keep a bunch around as a quick grab when you need something sweet or on-the-go. Just stick to one a day since they are a source of sugar as well.

4. Pears:
Pears often get overlooked as the long lost cousin to apples, but they bring their own unique flavor and host of benefits, including weight loss properties. They help you feel full when you eat them, and they've got a different consistency to apples and other fruits, making their fiber even more effective. They’re also used in plenty of recipes that yield delicious results. If you didn't use pears in your cooking before, or as a fruit to just have around, now’s the time to start.

5. Pine Nuts:
These contain a phytonutrient that actually helps suppress your appetite. This means you don’t have to resort to expensive diet pills with nasty chemicals that are meant to do the same thing. All you have to do is keep a supply of pine nuts available. Since they’re tiny and crunchy you get to eat a lot of them without having to worry about ruining your efforts. It let’s the body have it binge time while still helping you lose weight by keeping you away from more offensive foods.

6. Mushrooms:
Opting for mushrooms instead of pepperoni or sausage on your next pizza may do little to help drop the pounds, but increasing your intake of mushrooms along with other healthy foods should yield better results due to their low calories and high vitamin content. Be sure to branch out when it comes to mushrooms, trying the ones that may look a little strange instead of always opting for the button mushroom used everywhere. They all have their own unique characteristics, but all share the common bond of helping you to lose weight.

7. Lentils:
Lentils are gaining more popularity has a healthy food, and one that can help you lose the weight. The fiber they contain will help keep you feeling good between meals, and will help your blood sugar levels from spiking. If you’re going vegetarian you can use lentil as a good protein source, or you can use them to compliment a protein and act as a side dish. It helps keep your cholesterol in check and help you process carbs more effectively.

8. Hot Peppers:
If you like your food hot, there may be some good news for you. Hot peppers like habaneros, jalapenos, and chipolatas can actually help you to lose weight, while also adding a kick to most any dish. They contain capsaicin which provides several benefits that relate to losing weight. And if you were worried that eating these hot peppers would make you burn a hole in your stomach, recent research is showing that they may actually help to prevent stomach problems like ulcers by killing the bacteria responsible. Fire away!

9. Broccoli:
We’d be remiss if we didn't include broccoli on this list, even though you’re probably sick of everyone telling you about it. Turns out your mom and your grandma were right, these are really good for you, but aside from that they can also help you shed some fat. How? Broccoli fills you up, but it’s not just a filler. It has tons of nutrients per pound, and it’s also packed with fiber so it keeps you regular, which keeps you feeling good. Spice it up with spices or peppers, but just skip the broccoli cheese soup, as that doesn't work for weight loss.

10. Organic Lean Meats:
Lean meats are full of protein without all of the fat, but you want to make sure that you opt for organic if you’re trying to lose weight. With conventional meets they’re pumping the cows, pigs, and other animals full of so many antibiotics and growth hormones which ends up in the meat you’re eating. This can thwart your weight loss efforts. Organic meats aren't going to contain more nutrients in them than ordinary meats, but it’s what they don’t have in them that makes the difference. If you can’t find organic, go with grass fed or all-natural.

The foods that you suspected all along are healthy and good for you and make a stark comparison to all of the heavily processed, prepackaged foods that are sold by supermarkets, fast food joints, and restaurant chains across the country. Fill your cart with these the next time you go shopping and start infusing your body with foods that will make it slim and trim!
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