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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Top 10 Home Remedies for Dandruff Free Hair

Saturday, October 12, 2013
 All parts of human body have a natural cycle of shedding dead skin cells from the outer layers of skin .When dead skin cells of the scalp renews itself ,it leads to dead skin cells to come to the surface .When the scalp of someone starts renewal process faster ,then more dead skin cells are shed than normal .It makes dead skin cells very prominent .This condition is called dandruff. Dandruff is very nagging problem that makes white flakes to come off your scalp. It is a cause of concern for many .If you are suffering form dandruff, then read this article to get very effective home remedies to treat dandruff naturally at home.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a very strong natural antiseptic and hence it can be used to treat dandruff. You can add a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular shampoo and then use it to wash your hair. Else you can mix one tablespoon of tea tree oil with one cup of warm water and put it in a spray bottle. After shampooing your hair, spray this solution all over, massage and after few minutes pat dry your wet hair.

White Vinegar

White vinegar is one of the best ingredients for dandruff treatment. Vinegar has acetic acid that makes the condition of your scalp not suitable for bacteria and fungus. Take one part vinegar and mix it with three parts of water and then use it to wash your hair and finally rinse your hair with normal water. You can even apply vinegar directly on to your hair and then wrap it with a towel and leave it overnight. In the morning wash your hair with your regular shampoo. This can control dandruff to a great extent.

Olive Oil

The problem of scalp dryness can be cured with olive oil which is a good moisturizer. With regular use of extra virgin olive you can keep your scalp away from drying and flaking. Simply heat up some extra virgin olive oil until it is slightly warm. Then use this warm oil to massage your scalp and then wrap a towel around your head for half an hour. Finally brush your hair thoroughly to get the dry scales out and then wash your hair properly.


Lemon contains acids which can get rid of yeast causing dandruff. For treating dandruff, take fresh lemon juice and use it to massage your scalp. Leave it for a few minutes and then wash your hair with a shampoo followed by a conditioner. Repeat this remedy daily until your dandruff disappears. Else you can even mix one tablespoon of lemon juice with five tablespoon of coconut oil and then apply it to your hair and scalp, warp a towel around your hair and leave it overnight. Next morning wash your hair.

Baking Soda

The overactive fungi causing dandruff can be controlled with baking soda. To get rid of dandruff, first wet your hair and then rub some baking soda onto your scalp. After some time rinse your hair properly with plain water only and do not use shampoo. With repeated use of baking soda, your scalp will soon start producing natural oils. This way your scalp will have no dry flakes. Alternatively you can add some baking soda to your shampoo and then use it to wash your hair.

Fenugreek Seeds

The herb fenugreek has got anti-fungal and scalp soothing properties that can help in controlling dandruff to a great extent. Soak some fenugreek seeds in water overnight and in the morning grind it into a fine paste. Apply this paste all over the scalp and leave it for a few hours. Finally wash your hair properly with a mild shampoo. You can use the water iused for soaking the seeds for final rinse. Follow this remedy twice a week in case of severe dandruff problem.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has got healing, antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help in controlling dandruff. Take some fresh aloe vera juice or aloe vera gel and apply it to your hair just a few minutes before taking a shower. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Repeat this remedy at least twice a day to keep the problem of dandruff under control.


Thyme has got both antiseptic and anti fungal properties which can help in dandruff treatment. Take four tablespoons of dried thyme and put in two cups of water and then boil it for ten to fifteen minutes. Strain the solution and then allow it to cool down. Now use some of this solution to massage your scalp thoroughly. Leave it for five minutes then repeat the process again. Do not wash your hair for two to three hours. Soon with this remedy your scalp will become free of dandruff.


Aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid that can help in controlling dandruff. Take two aspirins and crush it properly and then mix it with equal amount of shampoo. Wash your hair with this mixture and also massage the scalp with it. Leave it for a few minutes and then finally rinse your hair properly with plain water. Alternatively, crush three aspirins and dissolve it in a tablespoon of vinegar and then use it to massage the scalp. Leave it for half an hour and then wash your hair properly.


Listerine can also be used for dandruff treatment. The alcohol and the herbal oils present in Listerine can be of great help. Take the original Listerine and use it to rinse your hair. Leave it for ten to fifteen minutes and then wash your hair properly. Else mix two parts of water to one part of Listerine and spray the mixture all over your wet hair. Allow it to sit for half an hour then wash your hair properly.
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